Feeling Overwhelmed with Addiction

When you wake up in the morning, what are the first few thoughts that cross your mind? Maybe you think of food or things to do that day. If drugs or alcohol enter your early thoughts of the day, it may be a concern. Perhaps you don’t think of using until the end of the day, when feeling overwhelmed and needing to wind down. Some of us don’t think of going to our substances until feeling triggered. This could vary from having a fight with a loved one, going to a party, or simply having a bad day. In any case, addiction varies, yet exists.
It seems most of us find an overwhelming sense of regret after use. It could be the body trying to recover and heal, or perhaps regretting how we acted when under the influence. Then the snowball continues to roll, where we continue to use in order to feel alright and get through the day to day activities of life. There comes a time in most lives where we come to a decision to cut down or control our use. Some decide to quit altogether. This may last for a little while until white knuckling our sobriety is too hard and relapse occurs.
That’s where counseling comes in. When our tactics and attempts don’t seem to be working, even with continuous thought of “I’ll stop tomorrow”, yet tomorrow never comes. It’s important to know Acceptance Counseling, LLC is nonjudgmental and will work with where you are now, in your process. We understand sobriety goals vary from person to person. We believe everyone struggles from time to time and it is unbearably painful to go through it alone. We are here to help. Here to listen and truly understand your process. We can help get to the root of concern buried underneath addiction. It is through this process of healing, we learn to accept ourselves.
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